St.Olav College in Sarpsborg are now ambassadors and supporters of Rivers.Global. They are planning for a sponsor-race in April 2022. Exciting!!!
Greåker College, Norway, with 1200 students, has decided on Rivers.Global as their collaborating partner in years to come! They want to work for a cleaner ocean, and like the approach of Rivers.Global. They supported Rivers.Global with NOK 125.000 in 2019!
Moster High School on Bømlo cheers for Rivers.Global! They played a key role in the testing of The River Cleaner in Etne in October 2021!
Bømlo Folkehøgskule, or Folk High School, here represented by the program “Environment and Sustainability” are ambassadors of Rivers.Global!
The Norwegian communities of Tynset, Hattfjelldal, Snåsa, Lesja, Ringebu and Bardu gave their support to Rivers.Global in connection with “TV-aksjonen” 2020. There were also private initiatives in Alvdal and Rena.